Thursday, October 14, 2010

Burial Places of the U.S. Presidents

The following list gives the name of the deceased former President of the United States followed by the location of their grave.

George Washington - Mt. Vernon, Virginia
John Adams - Quincy, Massachusetts
Thomas Jefferson - Charlottesville, Virginia
James Madison - Montpelier Station, Virginia
James Monroe - Richmond, Virginia
John Quincy Adams - Quincy, Massachusetts
Andrew Jackson - The Hermitage, near Nashville, Tennessee
Martin Van Buren - Kinderhook, New York
William Henry Harrison - North Bend, Ohio
John Tyler - Richmond, Virginia
James Knox Polk - Nashville, Tennessee
Zachary Taylor - Louisville, Kentucy
Millard Fillmore - Buffalo, New York
Franklin Pierce - Concord, New Hampshire
James Buchanan - Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Abraham Lincoln - Springfield, Illinois
Andrew Johnson - Greeneville, Tennessee
Ulysses S. Grant - New York City, New York
Rutherford Richard Hayes - Fremont, Ohio
James A. Garfield - Cleveland, Ohio
Chester A. Arthur - Albany, New York
Grover Cleveland - Princeton, New Jersey
Benjamin Harrison - Indianapolis, Indiana
William McKinley - Canton, Ohio
Theodore Roosevelt - Oyster Bay, New York
William H. Taft - Arlington National Cemetery
Woodrow Wilson - Washington National Cathedral
Warren G. Harding - Marion, Ohio
Calvin Coolidge - Plymouth, Vermont
Herbert C. Hoover West Branch, Iowa
Franklin D. Roosevelt - Hyde Park, New York
Harry S. Truman - Independence, Missouri
Dwight D. Eisenhower - Abilene, Kansas
John F. Kennedy - Arlington National Cemetery
Lyndon B. Johnson - Stonewall, Texas
Richard Nixon - Yorba Linda, California
Ronald Reagan - Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, California

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